ProfSnapshotDto Data Type

VM profiling snapshot. Contains VM instrumentation data acquired through various MXBeans. Please note that this DTO is based on class ProfSnapshot.

name data type description
timestamp number System time snapshot.
heapMemoryUsed number Used heap memory. Value returned by MemoryUsage#getUsed() of MemoryMXBean#getHeapMemoryUsage() of ManagementFactory#getMemoryMXBean().
heapMemoryUsage MemoryUsageDescDto Heap memory usage. Representation of MemoryMXBean#getHeapMemoryUsage() of ManagementFactory#getMemoryMXBean().
nonHeapMemoryUsed number Used non-heap memory. Value returned by MemoryUsage#getUsed() of MemoryMXBean#getNonHeapMemoryUsage() of ManagementFactory#getMemoryMXBean().
nonHeapMemoryUsage MemoryUsageDescDto Non-heap memory usage. Representation of MemoryMXBean#getNonHeapMemoryUsage() of ManagementFactory#getMemoryMXBean().
objectPendingFinalizationCount number Approximate number of objects pending finalization. Value returned by MemoryMXBean#getObjectPendingFinalizationCount() of ManagementFactory#getMemoryMXBean().
garbageCollectors array of GarbageCollectorInfoDto Representation of garbage collector states. Populated from list returned by ManagementFactory#getGarbageCollectorMXBeans().
totalCollectionCount number Sum of collection counts. Sum of values GarbageCollectorMXBean#getCollectionCount() of all garbage collectors (returned by ManagementFactory#getGarbageCollectorMXBeans()) which support this attribute.
totalCollectionTime number Sum of collection times. Sum of values GarbageCollectorMXBean#getCollectionTime() of all garbage collectors (returned by ManagementFactory#getGarbageCollectorMXBeans()) which support this attribute.
totalCompilationTime number Total compilation time. Value of CompilationMXBean#getTotalCompilationTime() when it is supported.
memoryPools array of MemoryPoolInfoDto Representation of the states of the memory pools. Populated from list returned by ManagementFactory#getMemoryPoolMXBeans().
systemLoadAverage number System load average. Value of OperatingSystemMXBean#getSystemLoadAverage().


  "timestamp" : 12345,
  "heapMemoryUsed" : 12345,
  "heapMemoryUsage" : {
    "committed" : 12345,
    "init" : 12345,
    "max" : 12345,
    "used" : 12345,
    "asString" : "..."
  "nonHeapMemoryUsed" : 12345,
  "nonHeapMemoryUsage" : {
    "committed" : 12345,
    "init" : 12345,
    "max" : 12345,
    "used" : 12345,
    "asString" : "..."
  "objectPendingFinalizationCount" : 12345,
  "garbageCollectors" : [ {
    "name" : "...",
    "memoryPoolNames" : [ "...", "..." ],
    "collectionCount" : 12345,
    "collectionTime" : 12345
  }, {
    "name" : "...",
    "memoryPoolNames" : [ "...", "..." ],
    "collectionCount" : 12345,
    "collectionTime" : 12345
  } ],
  "totalCollectionCount" : 12345,
  "totalCollectionTime" : 12345,
  "totalCompilationTime" : 12345,
  "memoryPools" : [ {
    "name" : "...",
    "type" : "...",
    "usageUsed" : 12345,
    "collectionUsageUsed" : 12345,
    "collectionUsage" : {
      "committed" : 12345,
      "init" : 12345,
      "max" : 12345,
      "used" : 12345,
      "asString" : "..."
    "usage" : {
      "committed" : 12345,
      "init" : 12345,
      "max" : 12345,
      "used" : 12345,
      "asString" : "..."
  }, {
    "name" : "...",
    "type" : "...",
    "usageUsed" : 12345,
    "collectionUsageUsed" : 12345,
    "collectionUsage" : {
      "committed" : 12345,
      "init" : 12345,
      "max" : 12345,
      "used" : 12345,
      "asString" : "..."
    "usage" : {
      "committed" : 12345,
      "init" : 12345,
      "max" : 12345,
      "used" : 12345,
      "asString" : "..."
  } ],
  "systemLoadAverage" : 12345.0