KnnTableLabelEntry Data Type

Entry for a single query structure.

name data type description
queryid string Textual ID of the query.
queryindex number Index of the query in the kNN results.
querymolindex number Index of the query in the query molecule table.
dissimilarities map of number Dissimilarity of each neighbors.
targetids map of string Textual ID of each neighbors.
targetmolindices map of number Index of the neighbors in the targets molecule table.


  "queryid" : "...",
  "queryindex" : 12345,
  "querymolindex" : 12345,
  "dissimilarities" : {
    "property1" : 12345.0,
    "property2" : 12345.0
  "targetids" : {
    "property1" : "...",
    "property2" : "..."
  "targetmolindices" : {
    "property1" : 12345,
    "property2" : 12345